We all need help sometimes! Regional Experts offer advice, guidance, and technical assistance to schools implementing SRTS programs and activities. When you contact these organizations, let them know you are contacting them for support for Safe Routes to School.
All of Vermont:
Local Motion offers walk and bike safety education through two programs: Walk Smart, which is tailored to grades K-2, and Bike Smart, which is an on-bike curriculum intended for grades 3-8.
Local Motion: education@localmotion.org | (802) 861-2700
(By County):
For the Towns of Granville and Hancock:
Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission | https://www.trorc.org/ 802-457-3188
For all Other Towns in Addison
Addison County Regional Planning Commission: http://www.acrpc.org/ | 802-388-3141
For the Towns of Winhall, Searsburg, Readsboro:
Windham Regional Commission | http://windhamregional.org/ | 802-257-4547
For all Other Towns in Bennington:
Bennington County Regional Commission | http://www.bcrcvt.org/ | 802-442-0713
Northeastern Vermont Development Association | http://www.nvda.net/ | 802-748-5181 (St. Johnsbury office)
Chittenden County RPC | https://www.ccrpcvt.org/ | 802-846-4490
Northwest Vermont Development Association | http://www.nvda.net/ | 802-748-5181 (St. Johnsbury office)
802-334-5861 (Newport office)
Northwest Regional Planning Commission | https://www.nrpcvt.com/ | 802-524-5958
Northwest Regional Planning Commission | https://www.nrpcvt.com/ | 802-524-5958
Lamoille County Planning Commission | https://www.lcpcvt.org | 802-888-4548
For the towns of Williamstown, Washington, and Orange:
Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission| http://www.centralvtplanning.org/ | 802-229-0389
All other Orange County Towns:
Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission | https://www.trorc.org/ 802-457-3188
Northwest Vermont Development Association | http://www.nvda.net/ | 802-748-5181 (St. Johnsbury office)
802-334-5861 (Newport office)
For the Town of Pittsfield:
Mount Ascutney Regional Commission (MARC) | https://www.marcvt.org/ | 802-674-9201
For all other Towns in Rutland:
Rutland Regional Planning Commission | http://www.rutlandrpc.org/ | 802-775-0871
Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission| http://www.centralvtplanning.org/ | 802-229-0389
Windham Regional Commission | http://windhamregional.org/ | 802-257-4547
For the Towns of Andover, Baltimore, Chester, Cavendish, Ludlow, Reading, Springfield, Weathersfield, West Windsor, Windsor:
Mount Ascutney Regional Commission (MARC) | https://www.marcvt.org/ | 802-674-9201
For the town of Weston:
Windham Regional Commission | http://windhamregional.org/ | 802-257-4547
For the Towns of Barnard, Bethel, Bridgewater, Hartford, Hartland, Norwich, Plymouth, Pomfret, Rochester, Royalton, Sharon, Stockbridge, Woodstock:
Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission | https://www.trorc.org/ 802-457-3188